The song “Coming Home” by Gwyneth
Paltrow brings to mind the growth and belonging experienced within the home.
The encompassing feelings of warmth that envelope a home evoke playful curves
and a sense of unity. The enlarging of elements through the space gives a sense
of growth mimicking nature and its multitude of vegetation. Subtle curvilinear
lines accent the repetitive unity, while stepped increase and decrease in size
brings in the aspect of growth. The tiling on the wall behind the lavatory evokes
the growth with their change in size and vertical repetitive nature. Curvilinear
shape comes in with the organic shower design and openness. Materials
are chosen for their connection with nature and the counter marble resembles
forestry. To allow for the warmth home evokes, soft gold tiling surrounds the
shower and warm lighting fills the space.
Above is the concept statement with application into this two bedroom apartment bathroom. The design is supposed to related to the idea of home. I like the organic shape of the shower and its incorporation into the curvilinear aspect of my concept. The repetition of line from my concept really comes into play with the tile behind the lavatory. I also like the privacy created by placing the toilet back in the nook. I wish I had made the sink counter a bit larger but I feel it works for the space. In my study model I am very pleased with the detail and final construction, but which I had drawn in all of the walls instead of just a few. The final board, however, seems very empty in certain areas even if my pieces are gridded and organized according to sections. I am pleased with how my perspectives turned out, but the color does not come through enough on trace paper, so for the next design I will try using marker paper instead. Overall I am pleased with the design I created and find it is very open. Although the shower does not have a bench in it, the rest of the bathroom is ADA.
Above is the concept statement with application into this two bedroom apartment bathroom. The design is supposed to related to the idea of home. I like the organic shape of the shower and its incorporation into the curvilinear aspect of my concept. The repetition of line from my concept really comes into play with the tile behind the lavatory. I also like the privacy created by placing the toilet back in the nook. I wish I had made the sink counter a bit larger but I feel it works for the space. In my study model I am very pleased with the detail and final construction, but which I had drawn in all of the walls instead of just a few. The final board, however, seems very empty in certain areas even if my pieces are gridded and organized according to sections. I am pleased with how my perspectives turned out, but the color does not come through enough on trace paper, so for the next design I will try using marker paper instead. Overall I am pleased with the design I created and find it is very open. Although the shower does not have a bench in it, the rest of the bathroom is ADA.