Monday, April 9, 2012

Logo Design

For this design the task was to create a logo that reflects my design philosophy. Since nature is a big part of my design philosophy I started with a mind map of what I think of first when I think of nature as seen below. When I started creating my logo it mostly had trees as starting points for my name, then I though about trying to create an ocean type with my initials. Eventually I settled on a wolf created out of my initials howling at the world. I tried to display the fur like curves using the M in my initials and once I created the rest I realized I should try to add in fur quality near the face so I edited the K. For the moon/earth I started with the continents being a darker green but found they did not show enough contrast in gray scale and so I made it a brighter green. For the font for my name I thought a curvy or more decorated font would detract from the rest of the logo so I chose to go with a more straight forward typeface and edited the character height, width and spacing to make it more of what I wished for.

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